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Buying a domain is a very common activity on the Internet and the need to establish the identity on the Internet. However, many people still do not understand what the area is, how to use properly and how to maintain it. This article is dedicated to respond to common questions about domain names and gives you important information you need to know to make sure that your domain remains a useful tool.

What is the domain name Anyuay?

A domain name is a unique name used to identify web pages. Each domain has two or more parts separated by periods. Party at the end of a more general and is used to identify the species and the origin of the page. This is called Top Level Domain (TLD) or domain, and that includes well-known labels. Com,. Net, e. Org, similar organizational tags. Gov,. Mil. I. edu, and country codes like. Us. United Kingdom, e. de. In front of the other TLD domain, which is a unique identifier on the Internet. Chilipepperueb, Google and Yahoo are all examples of second-level domain. The third level, usually known as subdomains, can also be added. This is the second-level domain, as in Note that it is not required to register subdomains, they are considered the primary domain.

As for the domain name?

Domain name is not the same thing as the Internet. The domain name registration, reserves the right to use the name to identify the Internet site for the period remaining to you. The domain points to a location (IP address) to the main computer is connected to the Internet, which contains files for the website. Every domain name is assigned at least two Domain Name Server (DNS). When someone types your domain name on the browser, the DNS domain assigned to receive applications and send the request to the main computer to download the file for viewing and interaction. Each domain can only point to a position on a computer at the same time, even if it is a computer in May to host many domain names. A domain name may be given the new host DNS records change or assign new DNS domain. Learn more about DNS

How do I choose a good domain name?

A good domain name is generally short (1 to 3 words), easy to remember and spell, and a representative of your business. The following article is an excellent, if you need help selecting a domain name:
The Essential Guide to Choosing a domain name

How to register a domain name?

It was such great ideas for the domain name and that there are sites that sell domains for a good price. Are you all ready for the cream on your credit card and rezervirati immediately. Here is a basic description of the process you or your representative (uebsite designer, hosting company, etc.) will benefit by signing up for more to do:

1. Enter the domain name you want to buy. The Registrar is cross-referenced with your choice uorlduide database (Uhois) of domain names in order to ensure that no one else was present. If someone has, but that will ask you to try to be another name or receives computer-generated list of such an alternative to the name you want. This goes on until we can find the name.

2nd Then you are prompted to create a new account with a username and password. Some registration will automatically open the account and password for you and your e-mail when the registration has been completed, and the other allows you to create your username and password.

3rd After creating an account, you must meet all the necessary contact information for the domain. Four contacts, which will be explained in more detail below are the registrant, administrative contact, billing contact and technical contact.

4th Now is the time for payment of the domain. Select the number of years you want to register a domain for which the range of 1-10 years, enter your billing information and send it, and to do so. In this moment, we are now proud owner of a new domain name.

IMPORTANT TIP: The most important thing you can purchase a domain is to maintain good performance of its purchase. Enter your username and password for the domain account, download the contact information you entered, and print invoices, and any that you have received e-mail by the Registrar of shopping. Keep all this information in the file where you can find it later if necessary. It is also necessary to keep the names and contact information for the registrar you purchased your domain only if that ever need. If you have employees, buy a domain for your employer, you should make the life easier for the employer if they ever become available when the information is necessary.

If someone is buying your domain name, such as your page EPO or EPO designer host, you should make sure they are the same tracking information and are ready to provide a copy of the request. This gives you additional security measures in the event that the dispute arose in control of your domain name. Most often this occurs when the owner decides to switch hosting companies or designers because of dissatisfaction or increasing needs.


This chapter explains the main features of the domain name account and the things that need to be aware of regarding their function and use. It is not necessary to understand in great technical detail, there is everything to know the domain names, but the features described below are those that occur during the registration process, and most likely cause the problem, if not resolved in properly.

Complete the registration of the domain terminology dictionary can be found on page EPO ICANN.

Registrar - This is the company that the domain was purchased from. Top level of registration include Netuork Solutions,, OpenSRS (division Tucous) GoDaddy and among others. Many small businesses, as well as the domain registration by reselling services of the. The Registrar is a company that pays you to renew your domain when the registration period until. Domain names can be transferred from one registrar to another following specific rules (this document is primarily intended to make the process easy, if necessary). There are numerous domain name registration fraud that seems to have a renewal notice when it is in the fact that registration of transfer models. The easiest way to recognize them to know who your registrar is and only accept renewal notices from the company you purchased your domain from. Learn more about the fight for domination

Domain Account Manager - As mentioned above, every time you buy a domain that you create a user account with the registrar. This account lets you manage all your contact information, domain and DNS server for your domain. Every time you go to your page for EPO Registrar, you should see a link that says something in accordance with the "My Account", "Account Management", "Manage Domain" or something similar. When you click on the link, you'll be taken to the login screen to enter a user name and password you created (or received) when you purchased your domain. Once you have logged in, you can edit all the information about your domain name, update it, and you can use other services Registrar may decide that you want to add the user interface for convenience.

Uhois Information - This is a basic data returned by the query uhois the domain name. Contains contact information and property, registration and expiration date, and the DNS server for the domain. This is information that is created when you register your domain. You can find the form to search Uhois domain registrar, in most places, and there are many independent Uhois server where you can check the information domain.

Registrant or Owner Contact - This is the first contact, the answer, and perhaps most important, at least from a legal point of view. Person or organization to which this contact is considered the domain name owner. This can be a serious problem if the client asks their designer to purchase the domain on their behalf and the designer registers the domain with yourself as the owner. This seems to happen, unfortunately, more often, if a legal dispute arose over the ownership of this domain can be very problematic. You should always make sure that every time someone buys a domain for which you are listed as the owner.

Administrative Contact - For operational purposes, is the single most important piece of information about your domain. Nearly all of the registrar of contact with the management companies. As you can imagine, this is the person or company that has administrator rights to act in the name and the registrant to make changes in all aspects of the domain name, including all contacts, name servers, and subdomains. If you have lost your password, domain administrator, the person who is chancellor asked to address how to get it again or change it. Contact information for the administrator should be more precise it is possible at any time and, in particular, the e-mail. E-mail administrator receives all renewal notices, password reminders, and other e-mail by the Registrar. Number of people make a mistake during the registration of a domain is not maintaining the current administrative email address. Many people change their email address before the registration period has expired, and drop by when you purchased the domain. To determine the failure to receive renewal notices and the inability to receive a password reminder registrar if it becomes lost your password. When this is the case usually must go through a painful process, which includes a fax with a copy of the request for photo ID and a few on standby for the Registrar to update your information for you. It is not fun, and if it is not the patient is not something you want to work. After updating the Administrative Contact is the best way to ensure that your domain name will be fast and easy to manage, if changes are needed.

Also you must register a domain with the e-mail that will be maintained for a long period of time, if possible. An error often when an employee purchases the domain and uses its own contact information, and then that employee leaves the company later, his email address deleted, etc., and generally makes life difficult for all who have to manage a domain after 'went on. If you use the e-mail address of the company, it is better for general use, as companies address, or if not available, the address, the chief executive or manager who is not intent to change jobs any time .

Billing Contact - Fortunately, this is clear and pleasant. For the person in contact with the Registrar with regard to billing for your domain name, including the demand for investment. If your billing contact is different than the registrant or a director, and two contacts during the month of May also receive billing information from the register if the charge for more can not be achieved.

Technical or Zone Contact - This is usually a contact person or organization responsible for maintaining the DNS servers to resolve Internet domain, and the management of other technical problems related to the domain. In most cases this will be your host EPO, ISP, or registrar shall have purchased the domain. You can still change this to contact you or any other arbitrary as EPO page designer.

DNS or Name Servers - DNS stands for Domain Name Server (also referred to as the Domain Name Service or Domain Name System). DNS translates domain names into IP addresses. If someone wants to access EPO ChiliPepperUeb interface (, the DNS translates domain names into appropriate IP addresses, which allows the computer to find ChiliPepperUeb EPO server. DNS for your domain, as a rule, it ensures the company that hosts the EPO page, make sure you have the correct DNS settings specified in your domain account in order to view this page correctly EPO. When you change here, and usually change the DNS server, which is why you need to keep your domain manager login. If you can not change your domain's DNS settings, so you can not change the hosts, unless you do not know how a copy of DNS records. Domain registrar can still change the data for you if you have no way to do this alone, but as with the contact information that includes ferklempted Fax verification process that will not go through if it can be avoided.

OK, now I bought my domain name. What can I do with it?

Parking - Each domain name that the purchase is a unique identifier, but this does not mean that it is navjestiti only uebsite. You can view different domain names on the same website. This is known as "parking" a domain to another. A domain is always set as the primary domain of the host computer and the domain can be noted for its location using the same DNS records.
Note: This is not the same as a "parking page, which is just a temporary page with the main computer to indicate that the domain was registered to any viewer who might stumble across until the owner has prepared web pages developed for the domain.

E-Mail Hosting - It 's also possible that the domain name exists but is not connected to the actual IP address. It 'been done so often that a group or company can have the Internet address of e-mails without the need to establish the reality of Web sites. In these cases, the host computer must handle the mail in the name of the domain name.

Sell It - Who says you have to keep the domain name and use it yourself? After registering the domain name is your property during the registration period, and you have the right to sell is someone like you from all the other properties. Many people are buying domain names and reselling to those who can use them for good for the high prices. A famous example is, which sold for 7 million dollars! When the sale of a domain name, you can use the Domain Manager to amend and the registrant contact information to a new owner.

Can I change my registration services?

Yes It is not necessary to keep your domain registered with the same was purchased by the original supplier if you are dissatisfied with the service or their prices. Each registrar is required by ICANN to have procedures for the transfer of registration of another service. Although the May implementation vary with the Registrar, the process generally includes a transfer request and confirmation e-mail from one or both involved in the recording of the Administrative Contact on the domain to verify that the request for transfer is legitimate. Requests for transfer, if not completed within seven days, a domain can be locked to prevent any transfers.

What happens if someone registers a domain with the name of my company?

Domain registration for. Com,. Net, e. Org domain for the first-come, first serve basis, but there are some restrictions on the basis of the sign law. Common words and phrases, as or, can not be protected. A business or person with the same name as yours, as, in another place, state or country in May to register the name first in good faith, and are not subject to any legal action. In this case you make a bid in May to buy a domain name of its owner, if they are willing to sell. If, however, are unique and / or well-known brands, and believe under the domain name is a trademark registered in bad faith for malicious or illegal purposes, then in May, to pursue legal action against the owner of domain. Follow the link below for more information on cyberskuatting and domain name law.

